Thursday 17 May 2007

Tko je Anonymous

I bas sam se mislila da mi nikad niko nece ostaviti coment na blogu. I was so overwhelmed.
Ali bas bi bilo lijepo da znam ko mi to pise...Anonymous ko si?
At the moment I've been studying Croatian grammar. Gazic has been very disciplined with his learning.
I have to say, he mastered posvojne zamjenice and had only one mistake the other night. Well done Gazic.
Trouble is , he is getting so good that I can't gossip over the phone any more with my friends-because he understands everything.
Jos ura vrimena do kraja radnog vremena. Ta mi uvijek sporo prolazi.
Inace ovde puno smisnih stvari za napisat, ali ne smin ...Blogovi su opasni.
What else is new, diet is ok..fruit day today. Quit smoking yesterday. I hope I will stick to it.
O yes, hotel is finally booked for our Paris trip..can't wait it...looks like cutest and most romantic hotel in the world.

Sunday 13 May 2007

Eurovision 2007

OK, it is sad...I do watch it sometimes. Missed it this time, well wasn't glued to the TV last night as I was having nice dinner at our friends.
This is theoretically true as I did have nice evening but while they were munching on steak, brioche and asparagus I was enjoying my fruit portion for the evening.Bloody diet...If I don't drop to a size -- by the July I will be angry.
Back to Eurovision. It is getting worse and worse I have to say. I managed to see Ukrainian cross dresser or whatever he was..o my God.
I've seen Balkans were main stars ...and Croatia didn't qualify. Da su barem poslali Huljice na Eurosong mislim da bi ipak imali vise sanse.
Ocigledno danas takve pale.
E da , uspijela sam pogledat i POBEDNIKE al su ih malo zaj....
I had red button on the freeview so we could sing a long ...and all the time they had Croatian flag next to song title. They couldn't be more wrong. Mislim da englezima treba lekcija iz zemljopisa.

Friday 11 May 2007

We all have to start somewhere

Hello, dobar dan
Gazic finally let me have my own link on taumuon. Tako da i ja mogu malo komentirat.
To make things more interesting I'll use bit of Croatian from time to time.
Anyway, still getting used to rain, had few good weeks. Apparently this is it for british summer.
Mum just said over the phone that it was 27C in Split today-grrrrr.
Ali moj Gazic bi ka rak pocrvenija u tim vremenskim uvijetima.
What else is happening, not much...apart I've finally mastered riding a push bike ( a sad zapljescite ). Inace se patim na ovoj famoznoj UN dijeti koju sam pokupila u Splitu. Nadam se da ce bit rezultata do lita.
It has been a month since we returned from Croatia :-(
I miss nice weather, nice food, my friends, my family....moan, moan, moan.I think it is enough for first time...pusa svima